Asia Pacific Journal of Educational Development Vol 1 No. 1
期刊論文 | |
刊名 | Asia Pacific Journal of Educational Development |
卷期 | 1:1 |
篇名 | Asia Pacific Journal of Educational Development Vol 1 No. 1 |
作者類型 | 主編 |
作者 | 國家教育研究院 |
出版/發行者 | 國家教育研究院 |
出版中心 | 教育制度及政策研究中心 |
出版年月 | 2012/06 |
出版地 | 新北市 |
出版國別 | 臺灣 |
語文 | 英文 |
ISSN | 23044624 |
關鍵字詞 | globalizations;cosmopolitan democracies;theory of marginality;Paulo Freire;global citizenship;neoliberalism;metacognition;reflective assessment;evaluating;monitoring;planning;strategy;lesson study;behavioral objectives;learning community;progressive education;Herbartianism;educational decentralization;Indonesia;school-based management |
章節標目 | The Secrets Adventures of Order: Globalization, Education and Transformative Social Justice Learning / Carlos Alberto Torres(頁1-7); An Analytical Literature Review of the Effects of Metacognitive Teaching Strategies in Primary and Secondary Student Populations / Arthur K. Ellis;John B. Bond;David W. Denton(頁9-23); Lesson Study and Curriculum Politics in Contemporary Japan / Shigeru Asanuma(頁25-32); Decentralization and School-Based Management in Indonesia / Agustinus Bandur(頁33-47) |
授權狀態 | 已授權 |
- Cluster Analysis of Attitudes towards Feedback and Their Mathematics Achievement: A Study of Hong Kong Primary Students
- Possibilities and Challenges of Implementing Self-Regulatory Instruction in Hong Kong Chinese Language Classes
- The Development of a School-Based Model of Self-Regulated Learning in Hong Kong Secondary School Classrooms
- Literacy Choice with Externality: Some Evidences from India
- Asian Students' Perceptions of 'Good' Citizenship: The Role of Democratic Values and Attitudes to Traditional Culture