研究計畫及報告 | |
計畫類型 | 個別型研究 |
計畫名稱 | 「中小學課程發展之基礎性研究」區二整(一):中小學課程內涵與取向的研析 |
整合型計畫名稱 | 「中小學課程發展之相關基礎性研究」 |
計畫主持人 | 趙鏡中;吳敏而;林宜臻;黃茂在;周筱亭;秦葆琦;王浩博;陳政友;林錦英;施登堯;洪若烈;范信賢;李駱遜 |
執行單位 | 國家教育研究院籌備處 |
語文 | 中文 |
關鍵詞 | 中小學課程;課程綱要;課程發展;課程改革 |
關鍵詞(英) | primary and junior high school curriculum;standard;curriculum development;curriculum reformation |
摘要 | |
英文摘要 | This comparative study is two years research. First year was searched the documentaries of orientation and essence of curriculum development in primary and junior high school; second year was gathered seven sub-projects to investigate into the reformations and changes of the courses in languages, mathematics, science and technology, social studies, health and physical education, arts, and synthesis. Moreover, after comparison curriculum development, orientation, essence, teaching, assessment with other countries, suggestions would become the reference to inspire Taiwanese curriculum development. The research used documentary and literature review to study, investigate, compare, and analyze national curricula / standards which include America, England, China, Hong Kong, Japan, Finland and New Zealand. Furthermore, periodical meeting to understand the progress of the research and interviewing scholars and specialists in curriculum were also used in the methods. Integrating suggestions from the sub-projects there are divided into two aspects: A. Integral suggestions: a. simplifying curriculum content and objectives, and using graphs to display b. readjusting the overlapping content in learning areas and major issues c. paying more attention to localization, diversification and variation in the courses d. choosing suitable material which could link up with school and community e. exchanging teaching experiences or conditions with colleagues f. using multi-assessment and making supplementary measure g. building up teachers abilities in designing lesson plan and reinforcing searching teaching resources h. strengthening supplementary measures in training teachers, and system of certification and entrance exam. B. Courses suggestions: a. distinguishing knowledge and skill in languages- focusing on culture and usage in knowledge; adding thinking ability in skill b. clarifying the framework of teaching math and training math educator in mathematics c. separating science into technology to become two courses but strengthening their connection d. giving different plan in each learning stage in social studies e. teaching by themes in health and physical education f. using terms to name different concepts of the arts g. synthesis needs fostering life skills, orientations towards experience, thinking and practicing, and cooperating with other courses. |
授權狀態 | 已授權 |
標題 | 頁數 |
總計畫:中小學課程內涵與取向的研析 | 1-104 |
壹、緒論 | 3-8 |
貳、文獻探討 | 9-18 |
參、我國課程的發展沿革及其演變 | 19-68 |
肆、各類課程的內涵與取向 | 69-86 |
伍、對台灣中小學課程修訂各類課程綱要的啟示與建議 | 87-100 |
陸、對臺灣未來中小學課程綱要規劃之建議 | 101-102 |
參考文獻 | 103-104 |
子計畫一:中小學語文類課程內涵與取向的研析 | 105-161 |
壹、緒論 | 107-110 |
貳、各國近期語文類課程之內涵分析 | 111-131 |
參、各國語文類課綱的重點趨勢探討 | 132-135 |
肆、焦點團體討論之議題分析 | 136-151 |
伍、結論與建議 | 151-155 |
參考文獻 | 156 |
附錄 | 157-161 |
子計畫二:中小學數學課程內涵與取向之研析 | 163-236 |
一、研究緣起及背景 | 166-169 |
二、研究目的 | 169 |
三、研究方法及流程 | 169-172 |
四、文獻探討 | 173-205 |
五、研究結果與討論 | 206-219 |
六、結論與建議 | 219-223 |
七、參考文獻 | 224-236 |
子計畫三:中小學自然科學類課程內涵與取向的研析 | 237-359 |
壹、緒論 | 239-244 |
貳、台灣自然科學類課程的發展沿革與演變 | 245-251 |
参、他國近期自然科學類課程的發展背景與內涵 | 252-281 |
肆、焦點團體討論之議題分析 | 282-291 |
伍、結論與建議 | 292-298 |
參考文獻 | 299-301 |
附錄 | 302-359 |
子計畫四:中小學社會類課程內涵與取向之研析 | 361-498 |
壹、緒論 | 363-365 |
貳、臺灣社會類課程的發展沿革及其衍變 | 366-402 |
参、他國近期社會類課程的發展背景與內涵 | 403-450 |
肆、結論與建議 | 451-459 |
伍、參考文獻 | 460-464 |
陸、附件 | 465-498 |
子計畫五:中小學健康與體育類課程內涵與取向之研析 | 499-649 |
壹、緒論 | 501-505 |
貳、臺灣健康與體育課程的沿革、現況與問題 | 506-525 |
參、各國健康與體育課程的設置與內涵 | 526-595 |
肆、健康與體育課程的教與學 | 596-631 |
伍、結論與建議 | 632-643 |
參考文獻 | 644-649 |
子計畫六:中小學藝術類課程內涵與取向之研析 | 650-718 |
壹、緒論 | 652-656 |
貳、台灣藝術類課程之發展沿革與內涵探討 | 657-675 |
參、當代藝術教育的思潮 | 675-677 |
肆、國外藝術類課程的取向與發展趨勢 | 677-705 |
伍、結論與建議 | 705-708 |
陸、研究工作項目與進度 | 709 |
參考文獻 | 710-714 |
附錄 | 715-718 |
子計畫七:中小學綜合類課程內涵與取向之研析 | 719-905 |
壹、緒論 | 721-727 |
貳、台灣綜合類課程的發展沿革及其內涵 | 728-740 |
參、各國近期綜合類課程的設置與內涵 | 741-769 |
肆、綜合類課程的相關學習內涵 | 770-781 |
伍、綜合類課程的主要取向——生活實踐學習 | 782-795 |
陸、結論及綜合類課程結構調整之可能性 | 796-805 |
參考文獻 | 806-814 |
附錄 | 814-905 |