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6Early Childhood Longitudinal Study, Kindergarten Class of 2010-11Early Childhood Longitudinal Study, Kindergarten Class of 2010-11Michelle Najarian; Karen Tourangeau; Christine Nord; Kathleen Wallner-AllenU.S. Department of Education;Institute of Education Sciences2018/07線上瀏覽圖書全文
7Pursuing Quality in Early Learning Vol. 1: early childhood care and education (ECCE) teacher competency framework for Southeast Asia (SEA)Pursuing Quality in Early Learning Vol. 1: early childhood care and education (ECCE) teacher competency framework for Southeast Asia (SEA)United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization2018線上瀏覽圖書全文
9幼兒園教保活動課程大綱的實踐——一位輔導訪視人員的觀察教科書研究幸曼玲; 周于佩國家教育研究院2017/12線上瀏覽期刊論文
10Early Childhood Program Participation, Results from the National Household Education Surveys Program of 2016Early Childhood Program Participation, Results from the National Household Education Surveys Program of 2016Lisa Corcoran; Katrina SteinleyU.S. Department of Education;Institute of Education Sciences2017/09線上瀏覽圖書全文
11Finnish Country Note on Transitions in ECECFinnish Country Note on Transitions in ECECKirsi AlilaMinistry of Education and Culture, Finland2017/06線上瀏覽圖書全文
12Quality improvement efforts among early childhood education programs participating in Iowa's Quality Rating SystemQuality improvement efforts among early childhood education programs participating in Iowa's Quality Rating SystemLaura E. Hawkinson; Ann-Marie Faria; Nora Bouacha; Dong Hoon Lee; Ivan MetzgerU.S. Department of Education;Institute of Education Sciences2017/03線上瀏覽圖書全文
14Froebelian Pedagogye: Historical Perspectives on an Approach of Early Childhood Education in Germany國際教育人才培育之策略研究Ulf Sauerbrey國家教育研究院2016/11線上瀏覽圖書全文
15Joy, play and doing togetherJoy, play and doing togetherArja Sääkslahti; Nina KorhonenMinistry of Education and Culture, Finland2016/11線上瀏覽圖書全文
16Primary Early Care and Education Arrangements and Achievement at Kindergarten EntryPrimary Early Care and Education Arrangements and Achievement at Kindergarten EntryAmy Rathbun; Anlan Zhang; Thomas D. SnyderU.S. Department of Education;Institute of Education Science2016/06線上瀏覽圖書全文
17Financing for early childhood care and education (ECCE)Financing for early childhood care and education (ECCE)UNESCO Bangkok Office2016線上瀏覽圖書全文
19美國聯邦政府的幼教方案與幼兒入園狀況:Quality Counts 2015的調查報告教育研究與發展期刊洪福財國家教育研究院2015/09線上瀏覽期刊論文
20Early Childhood Program Participation, From the National Household Education Surveys Program of 2012Early Childhood Program Participation, From the National Household Education Surveys Program of 2012Saida Mamedova;Jeremy RedfordU.S. Department of Education;Institute of Education Sciences2015/05線上瀏覽圖書全文






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