



  • 書刊名/會議名稱:UNESCO handbook on education policy analysis and programming, volume 2: UNESCO programming
  • 作者:UNESCO Office Bangkok and Regional Bureau for Education in Asia and the Pacific
  • 出版者:UNESCO Office Bangkok
  • 出版日期:2013/06
  • 線上全文:另開視窗, 線上閱讀全文: 1444253054012.pdf
  • 資料類型: 圖書全文
  • 書刊名/會議名稱:UNESCO handbook on education policy analysis and programming, volume 1: Education policy analysis
  • 作者:UNESCO Office Bangkok and Regional Bureau for Education in Asia and the Pacific
  • 出版者:UNESCO Office Bangkok
  • 出版日期:2013/06
  • 線上全文:另開視窗, 線上閱讀全文: 1444253047606.pdf
  • 資料類型: 圖書全文
  • 書刊名/會議名稱:Releasing the power of the arts: Exploring arts education in the Asia-Pacific
  • 作者:UNESCO Office Bangkok and Regional Bureau for Education in Asia and the Pacific
  • 出版者:UNESCO Office Bangkok
  • 出版日期:2013/06
  • 線上全文:另開視窗, 線上閱讀全文: 1444253025996.pdf
  • 資料類型: 圖書全文
  • 書刊名/會議名稱:EFA Goal 2: Universal primary education
  • 作者:UNESCO Office Bangkok and Regional Bureau for Education in Asia and the Pacific;UNICEF. East Asia and the Pacific Regional Office (Thailand);UNICEF. Regional Office for South Asia (Nepal)
  • 出版者:UNESCO Office Bangkok
  • 出版日期:2013/06
  • 線上全文:另開視窗, 線上閱讀全文: 1444253058856.pdf
  • 資料類型: 圖書全文
  • 書刊名/會議名稱:Regional handbook on life skills programmes for non-formal education
  • 作者:UNESCO Office Bangkok and Regional Bureau for Education in Asia and the Pacific
  • 出版者:UNESCO Office Bangkok
  • 出版日期:2012/06
  • 線上全文:另開視窗, 線上閱讀全文: 1444253016147.pdf
  • 資料類型: 圖書全文
  • 書刊名/會議名稱:Asia and the Pacific Education for All (EFA) mid-decade assessment: South Asia; synthesis report
  • 作者:UNESCO Office Bangkok and Regional Bureau for Education in Asia and the Pacific
  • 出版者:UNESCO Bangkok
  • 出版日期:2009/06
  • 線上全文:另開視窗, 線上閱讀全文: 1448572918245.pdf
  • 資料類型: 圖書全文


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