


教育公平理論與指標建構之整合研究子計畫八:原住民技職教育公平指標之研究 研究報告

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教育公平理論與指標建構之整合研究子計畫八:原住民技職教育公平指標之研究 研究報告
計畫名稱教育公平理論與指標建構之整合研究子計畫八:原住民技職教育公平指標之研究 研究報告
英文題名Project 8: A study of the Indicators of Equity for Indigenous Technological and Vocational Education
研究者研究助理: 于承平江翊嘉
關鍵詞(英)educational equity;indigenous;technological and vocational education
英文摘要According to our Constitution, there are equal education opportunities for the citizens. Based on the Educational Fundamental Act, people are the subject of education rights. Furthermore, the Education Act for Indigenous Peoples is enacted to protect the indigenous people’s rights to education according to the will and wish of the people of indigenous ethnicities. Viewing from the ratio numbers that indigenous students are between the general and technological and vocational education (TVE), and studying in private or public schools, most of the indigenous students are studying at TVE system. Therefore, to explore the equity of indigenous TVE in Taiwan is essential. Through literature-reviewing, document analysis, fuzzy Delphi method and focus group discussion, this study aims to explore the meaning of equity and status quo of indigenous TVE in Taiwan, and to compare the policies among countries that are advanced in indigenous education. There are eight suggestions are provided as follows: First of all, the statistics toward indigenous TVE should be collected. Secondly, more opportunities for indigenous peoples to participate the TVE policy planning should be concerned. Thirdly, to maintain the advancement incentives, appropriate development and cultural characteristics for indigenous students in TVE system. Forthly, to promote the equity for indigenous students to approach both in TVE and employment system is important. Fifthly, creating the edge for indigenous students in TVE is critical. Sixthly, constructing the nurture mechanism for professional indigenous personnel is necessary. Seventhly, establishing indigenous educational information platform is useful. Finnally, strengthening the value of multiculturalism and shaping the characteristic of indigenous culture are urgent. In addition, the indigenous TVE and training policy in Taiwan should be formulated and developed under its unique social cultural context.


  第一章 緒論1-7
    第一節 研究背景與動機1-5
    第二節 研究目的與問題5
    第三節 名詞定義5-6
    第四節 研究範圍與限制6-7
  第二章 文獻探討9-46
    第一節 我國原住民技職教育公平現況9-24
    第二節 國外原住民教育公平發展相關措施25-33
    第三節 我國原住民技職教育政策法規與公平指標33-46
  第三章 研究設計與實施47-63
    第一節 研究概念架構47-48
    第二節 研究方法與樣本選擇48-51
    第三節 研究進度、步驟與流程52-55
    第四節 研究之實施55-61
    第五節 信度與效度62-63
  第四章 結果分析與討論65-88
    第一節 我國原住民技職教育之現況分析65-68
    第二節 我國原住民技職教育政策法規之分析68-80
    第三節 綜合討論81-88
  第五章 結論與建議89-93
    第一節 結論89-90
    第二節 建議91-93
  附錄一 原住民技職教育公平指標定義與具體內涵彙整表101-103
  附錄二 焦點團體座談會議紀錄105-125
  附錄三 期中報告回應說明表127-128
  附錄四 技職教育公平指標項目之定義與具體內涵彙整表129-131
  附錄五 原住民技職教育公平指標定義與具體內涵檢證表133-148
  附錄六 原住民技職教育公平指標定義與具體內涵修正表149-154
  附錄七 焦點座談資料彙整編碼155-170
  附錄八 原住民技職教育重要政策與法規指標對照彙整表171-174
  附錄九 期末報告回應說明表175-176