研究計畫及報告 | |
計畫類型 | 整合型計畫 |
類型 | 研究計畫 |
計畫名稱 | 國民中小學各學習領域/學科學習節數之探討 |
計畫主持人 | 王浩博 |
執行機構/主管機關 | 國家教育研究院 |
執行單位 | 課程及教學研究中心 |
年度 | 99 |
關鍵詞 | 國民中小學;課程綱要;學習節數 |
關鍵詞(英) | primary and junior high schools;curriculum guideline;learning periods |
GRB連結 | https://www.grb.gov.tw/search/planDetail?id=2099933 |
摘要 |
壹、研究目的 本研究之主要背景如下: 一、基礎性研究自97年啟動至今,已完成了區塊一和區塊二的各整合型研究。99年將統整上述各項研究成果,以為研擬未來之課程綱要草案做準備。 二、為使課綱的草案能更符應時代的需求,未來課程綱要中各「學習領域」的學習節數是否需要調整?若需調整,將如何進行調整?所依據的理念與實務為何?均需更進一步的研究與探討。 因此本研究之主要目的為: 一、探討國民中小學之各學習領域/學科之學習節數及其相關研究。 二、擬議國民中小學之各學習領域/學科之學習節數,供後續課程綱要決策之參考。 貳、研究方法 本研究採用文獻分析、焦點座談與訪談及問卷調查等方法。 一、文獻分析 本研究將針對基礎性研究已完成之各項整合型計畫研究及其他相關 研究之主要發現與建議進行歸納與分析。 二、調查研究法 〈一〉焦點座談:邀請不同的對象,如輔導群之學者專家、教科書編輯者、中央及地方團輔導員、家長團體、理念學校教師等,分別進行焦點座談,以蒐集他們對學習節數的看法。 〈二〉訪談:針對參與九年一貫各階段課程綱要之各領域學者專家進行訪談。 〈三〉問卷調查:為取得第一線教師之意見,針對中央課程與教學輔導教師、縣市國教輔導團召集人及輔導員、全國各國中小學之教師,分別進行問卷調查,俾利提出具有實徵研究基礎的建議。 參、研究結論與建議 本研究結論為: 一、學習總節數維持現況,不宜再增加。 二、未來學習節數的分配方式採百分比或節數都可以。 三、學習領域/學科在各階段或各年級的節數比例,應考量各領域/學科在各該階段之重要性和功能而有所變化。不要採行目前九年一貫課程綱要直筒式學習節數比例劃分方式。 四、維持學校可於領域百分比或節數上下限範圍分配學習時間的方式。 五、彈性學習節數的設置,有其理想性與功能性,故維持有其必要性。 六、某些領域/學科之節數確實需要較目前九年一貫課程綱要之節數增加:如國文、數學、社會〈國中階段〉、自然與生活科技〈國中階段〉、英文、健康與體育等。 最後本研究並嘗試提出一個有關未來課程綱要學習節數的擬議: 一、全年授課日數以二○○天(不含國定假日及例假日)、每學期上課二十週、每週授課五天為原則。惟每週上課天數應配合行政院人事行政局政府行政機關辦公日數之相關規定辦理。 二、學習總節數分為「領域學習節數」與「彈性學習節數」。 三、每節上課以40—45分鐘為原則(國小四十分鐘、國中四十五分鐘),惟各校得視課程實施及學生學習進度之需求,彈性調節學期週數、每節分鐘數與年級班級的組合。 四、「彈性學習節數」由學校自行規劃辦理全校性和全年鈒活動、執行依學校特色所設計的課程或活動、安排學習領域選修節數、實施補救教學、進行班級輔導、道德教育或學生自我學習等活動。 五、學習活動如涵蓋兩個以上的學習領域時,其學習節數得分開計入相關學習領域。 六、在授滿領域學習節數的原則下,學校課程發展委員會可決定並安排每週各學習領域學習節數。 七、導師時間及午休、清掃等時段不列在學習總節數內。有關學生在校作息及各項非學習節數之活動,由學校自行安排。 肆、研究成果性質與運用建議 本研究成果僅供相關教育行政部門政策參考之用,未來如欲將之化為具體實施之政策,仍需進一步做更廣泛及更深入的諮詢與意見徵詢。 伍、對現行或未來教育政策之建議 由於十二年國教將於民國103年實施,國家教育研究院負責相關課程之研究並提出建議書,因此建議本研究之成果,亦可納入此項研究之參考。 |
英文摘要 |
I.The research purpose The background of this reseach are as follows : 1.Since 2008,the basic research about the future curriculum guideline has started it’s engine and has finished those integrated researches of section one and section 2. In 2010,the major work is to integrate the results of those researches and to prepare the draft of the next curriculum guideline. 2.In order to make the draft more correspond with the needs of time,should the learning periods of the learning fields in the future curriculum guideline be adjusted?If the answer is ‘yes’,how to do the adjustment?does it have any ideology or practical experience to base on ? All of these need to have further investigation. The purpose of this research are : 1.To explore the learning periods of each learning field or subject and its related researches. 2.To propose the learning periods of each learning field or subject for the refernce of future decision making about curriculum guideline. II.The research method This research adopts the methods of literature analysis,questionnaire survey ,focus group discussion and interview. 1. literature analysis This study will base on the major findings and suggestions of the finished integrated researches and other related reseaches to analyze and conclude. 2. Survey a. Focus group discussion To invite different groups of people to attend the discussion to collect the opinions about the learning periods.These groups include the experts and scholars from consulting team,the editors of textbooks,the consulting teachers from central government and local government,the parent groups, and teachers from special schools. b. Interview To interview the scholars and experts that had attended the formation of one to nine curriculum guideline. c. Questionaire investigation In order to get the opinions of the teachers from the basic level,this study questionaire the teachers from consuting groups and the common schools to get empirical suggestions. III.Conclusion and suggestion The conclusions of this research are as following: 1. The total number of learning periods in a year keeps the same with the present curriculum guideline. 2. Both the percentage mode and period mode are all suitable for the future distribution of learning periods. 3.The ratio of the learning periods for each learning field/subject in each grade or stage should consider the importance and function of each learning field /subject in that stage.And it should not adopt the present straight line mode. 4.The present way that let the school can distribute the learning periods within the limit of each field/subject should not be changed. 5.The establishment of the flexible learning periods with it’ s ideal nature and functional nature has the necessity of maintenance. 6.Some fields/subjects should be increased the number of the learning period.:mandarin,mathematics,social studies,nature and living technology,english,health and physical education etc.. Finally,this research tries to propose a learning period framework for the future curriculum guideline. 1. The total instruction days are 200 days(not include the national holidays and the weekend).The term has 20 weeks and each week has 5 instruction days. But it should follow the rule of Personnel Administration Bureau of the Executive Yuan. 2. The learning periods are divided into two categories: the learning periods of the learning fields and the flexible learning periods. 3. Each period instructs 40-45 minutes in principle( primary school 40 minutes and junior high school 45 minutes ).However,every school can flexibly adjust the number of term weeks,the length of period,and the combination of class according to the need of curriculum implementation and student’s learning progress. 4. The flexible learning periods are planned by schools to do the activities for the whole school and the whole grade,to enforce the curriculums or activities designed according to the school’s features,to arrange the selected learning periods,to practice the remedy teaching,and to do the activities of classroom guidance, moral education or student’s self learning etc.. 5. If the learning activity covers two more learning periods, the number of learning periods could be separately counted into each learning field. 6. In the principle of having fully instructed the learning periods,the committee of school curriculum development can decide and arrange the learning periods for every learning field in every week. 7. The hours of the tutor , the mid-noon rest and the cleaning activities are not included into the learning periods.The activities of students non-learning periods are arranged by school. IV.The nature of the research result and the suggestion for its implication The result of this research is only provided for the policy refernce of related education administration.It should have further and deeper consultation before putting into practical policy. V.The suggestion for the present or future education policy Due to the enforcement of 12 year basic education in 2014,the National Academy for Educational Reseach is responsible for the rearch of curriculum and should offer an suggestion report.The result of this research can also be included as a refernce. |