研究計畫及報告 | |
計畫類型 | 個別型計畫 |
類型 | 研究計畫 |
計畫名稱 | 翻譯發展建議書之研究 |
計畫主持人 | 林慶隆 |
協同主持人 | 陳昀萱 |
執行機構/主管機關 | 國家教育研究院 |
執行單位 | 編譯發展中心 |
年度 | 101 |
關鍵詞 | 口筆譯;翻譯發展;翻譯發展策略 |
關鍵詞(英) | translation and interpretation;translation development;strategies for developing translation and interpretatio |
GRB連結 | https://www.grb.gov.tw/search/planDetail?id=8041103 |
摘要 |
壹、緒言 貳、主要政體之翻譯政策與制度 參、推動翻譯發展的願景與目標 肆、政府推動翻譯發展現況 伍、國內翻譯發展問題分析 陸、翻譯發展五年策略 柒、我國推動翻譯發展之展望 |
英文摘要 |
Along with globalization, translation has manifested its significant role. In particular, emphasis of the United Nations and the Taiwanese government on multiculturalism and protection of native languages of various ethnic groups reconfirms the invisible but crucial contribution of translation. Mindful of the importance of translation for the contemporary society, this research aims to reach the following three goals: first, to offer a general portrait of several other countries’ governmental engagements with translation and interpretation; Second, to understand the development and challenges of translation and interpretation in Taiwan; Third, to propose strategies for developing translation and interpretation in Taiwan. The document analysis and focus group interview were used for data collection. First of all, we reviewed documents released by the Taiwanese governmental organizations, research reports, as well as relevant research to lay out an overview of Taiwan’s current condition and challenges of translation and interpretation industry. We further conducted seven focus group interviews to collect information and opinions of stakeholders in T/I. The interviewed stakeholders included government officials in charge of translating and interpreting government information for foreign visitors and immigrants, scholars and researchers in the field, as well as practitioners and representatives from T/I industry. After reviewing the government efforts of the UK, the European Union, China, Japan, and Korea, we found out that each of them had their special emphasis while engaging with T/I projects. Whereas the UK and the EU focus on using T/I to ensure the protection of multi-ethnic groups’ multi-cultures and their native languages as human rights, China is dedicated to developing national standard for controlling T/I qualities. As for Japan and Korea, the both governments are devoted to utilizing translating to share their cultural heritages with the whole world. These governments’ respective engagements also project three major ideals of T/I that underlie Taiwan’s efforts for advancing the development of T/I. First, T/I enhance the communications and understandings of different cultures. That leads to the second ideal: T/I assist with generating knowledge within domestic Taiwan. Third, T/I help to enrich common knowledge of humanity consist of diverse cultures. The ideals further indicate six goals for Taiwan to develop translation and interpretation. First, Taiwan should enhance the provision of T/I service for international visitors and new immigrants. Second, Taiwan should make use of translation to instantly introduce new knowledge and technological advancement needed in Taiwan’s society. Third, Taiwan should use T/I to share her cultural heritages and critical achievements in various fields that could possibly contribute to the global public good. Fourth, the Taiwanese government should complete the quality assurance system of translation and interpretation. Fifth, the government should assist the universities with expanding professional T/I training and education. And finally, the government should promote the development of T/I industry. Results of this research show that there are eight challenges confronting Taiwan’s T/I development. First, there is a shortage of professional translators and interpreters. Second, the speed and scale of translating Taiwan’s cultural fruits to other languages could further be improved. Fourth, the quality assurance system of T/I is not complete. Fifth, the structure and content of current professional training program need to be adjusted. Sixth, contribution of scholars’ translation works to academic development is not well recognized. Seventh, basic research on translation in Taiwan could be enhanced. Last but not least is that more integration between application technology for translation and the cutting-edge technology is needed. In response to the challenges addressed, nine strategies are proposed to the government to take for the upcoming five years. First, the government should encourage and support colleges to train translator for different languages and professions. Second, the government should provide comprehensive community translation service, particularly in hospitals and courts. Moreover, the government could subsidize and award not only translation works from foreign languages to Mandarin, but also translating works in Mandarin to other foreign languages. Fifth, the government should assist to developing a complete evaluation system for translation professionals and quality of their works. Sixth, the government and colleges should work together to develop an appropriate mechanism for assessing and recognizing scholars’ translation efforts of scholarly works. Seventh, the government should coordinate with relevant organizations to enhance basic research on translation. Eighth, the government should construct and expand various corpora or translation data bases for translation development and quality. Finally, the government should take advantage of technological advancement to enhance translation service. |