美國自第一次世界大戰後,便意識到美國其與他國之間國際地位的不同,學生背景又日趨多元,且隨著全球化發展,國際相互依存和全球公民責任逐漸成為美國各級學校國際教育的重要目標,美國師資培育遂期望師資生具備跨文化知能以及國際教育教學能力,成為有能力回應文化差異的教師,俾回應美國國內需求並落實社會正義。本文旨在分析美國師資培育實踐國際教育的發展歷程,主要透過文獻分析,了解該國師資培育採擇與推動之海外實習國際教育政策的成效,並提出下列建議,供我國相關政策之參考:臺灣師資培育機構如欲成功推動國際教育,則需先確定國際教育的目的與意義、規劃師資培育國際教育課程、強化師資生批判性思考、重視沉浸式海外體驗學習、依據國際教育目的規劃海外實習國家以及國家政策的支持,俾利師資生具備跨文化的知能,並將上述重點納入課程教學中,以提升其對弱勢和差異文化的敏感度,激發師資生開放心靈並開闊其國際視野。Abstract: International education became one goal of schools to prepare students' international understanding and global citizenship responsibility after the first world war and with the trend of globalization. The former exposes the relative state position in international, whereas the latter highlights the importance of global interdependence. With the increasingly important development of international education in the U.S., teacher education both in-service and pre-service professional empowerment has been expected to show culturally responsive teaching, valued for students' diversity backgrounds and put globalization into practice to achieve social justice. Based upon the above acknowledgement, the aim of this paper is to analyze the experience of international education and overseas student teaching be practiced in teacher education program in the U.S., then some suggestions will offer for teacher education in Taiwan. They are: a) identifying the meaning and indispensable value of international education in teacher education; b) designing international education curriculum of teacher education, emphasizing on the immersion learning aboard, enhancing teacher students being able to think critically; c) visiting countries based upon Taiwan's international education goal with supporting from the state policy. Following the above suggestions, teacher students' intercultural competences, such as inclusive and respect multicultural, being sensitive to weakness or different cultural, and having been openmindedness and international visions will be improved to face the g