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1Counting the Number of Children Not LearningCounting the Number of Children Not LearningUNESCO Institute for Statistics2017/10線上瀏覽圖書全文
2Compilation of the main indicators for analysis of the relationship between education / training and employmentCompilation of the main indicators for analysis of the relationship between education / training and employmentIIEP Pôle de Dakar - UNESCO2017線上瀏覽圖書全文
3性別議題的國際教育統計指標探究教育機會均等溫子欣; 秦夢群; 莊俊儒國家教育研究院2016/07線上瀏覽圖書全文
4A Model for obtaining ICT indicators in educationA Model for obtaining ICT indicators in educationJosep M. Mominó; Juli CarrereUnited Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization2016/06線上瀏覽圖書全文
5Technical Advisory Group proposal: thematic indicators to monitor the post-2015 education agendaTechnical Advisory Group proposal: thematic indicators to monitor the post-2015 education agendaUnited Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization2015/01線上瀏覽圖書全文
6Regional monitoring report on progress toward quality education for all in Latin America and the Caribbean, EFA 2012Regional monitoring report on progress toward quality education for all in Latin America and the Caribbean, EFA 2012Anton KörnerOREALC2012/10線上瀏覽圖書全文
7國內身心障礙教育概況之指標項目分析教育實踐與研究王天苗; 黃俊榮國立臺北教育大學2011/06線上瀏覽期刊論文
8Constructing an indicator system or scorecard for higher education: A practical guideConstructing an indicator system or scorecard for higher education: A practical guideMartin, Michaela;Sauvageot, Claude;Tchatchoua, BertrandInternational Institute for Educational Planning2011/06線上瀏覽圖書全文
9Global education digest 2011: Comparing education statistics across the worldGlobal education digest 2011: Comparing education statistics across the worldUNESCO Institute for Statistics2011/06線上瀏覽圖書全文
11技職教育公平指標之研究報告張國保; 胡茹萍國家教育研究院2011/03線上瀏覽專案研究報告
12Global education digest 2009: Comparing education statistics across the worldGlobal education digest 2009: Comparing education statistics across the worldUNESCO Institute for Statistics2009/06線上瀏覽圖書全文






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