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2Survey of Adult Skills: Māori adults' literacy, numeracy and problem solving skillsSurvey of Adult Skills: Māori adults' literacy, numeracy and problem solving skillsMatt Jones; Paul SatherleyMinistry of Education, New Zealand2018/03線上瀏覽圖書全文
3The relative effectiveness of blended versus faceto-face adult English and maths learningThe relative effectiveness of blended versus faceto-face adult English and maths learningJake Anders; Richard Dorsett; Lucy StokesDepartment for education, UK2018/02線上瀏覽圖書全文
4The Health and Social Dimensions of Adult Skills in CanadaThe Health and Social Dimensions of Adult Skills in CanadaLinda Jacobsen; Andrea LongCouncil of Ministers of Education, Canada2018/02線上瀏覽圖書全文
5Skills Proficiency of Immigrants in Canada: Findings from the Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC)Skills Proficiency of Immigrants in Canada: Findings from the Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC)Li Xu; Jianwei Zhong; Alexander MaslovCouncil of Ministers of Education, Canada2017/10線上瀏覽圖書全文
6Adult Education Attainment and Assessment Scores: A Cross-National ComparisonAdult Education Attainment and Assessment Scores: A Cross-National ComparisonSaida Mamedova; Dinah Sparks; Kathleen Mulvaney HoyerU.S. Department of Education;Institute of Education Sciences;National Center for Education Evaluation and Regional Assistance2017/09線上瀏覽圖書全文
7Survey of Adult Skills: Adults' financial literacy activitiesSurvey of Adult Skills: Adults' financial literacy activitiesPaul SatherleyMinistry of Education, New Zealand2017/07線上瀏覽圖書全文
8CMEC Reference Framework for Successful Student TransitionsCMEC Reference Framework for Successful Student TransitionsCouncil of Ministers of Education, Canada2017/07線上瀏覽圖書全文
10Youth Skills: Survey of Adult Skills (PIAAC)Youth Skills: Survey of Adult Skills (PIAAC)Matt Jones; Paul SatherleyMinistry of Education, New Zealand2017/02線上瀏覽圖書全文
12第三期成人学习与教育全球报告第三期成人学习与教育全球报告UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning2016/12線上瀏覽圖書全文
13Highlights from the U.S. PIAAC Survey of Incarcerated Adults: Their Skills, Work Experience, Education, and TrainingHighlights from the U.S. PIAAC Survey of Incarcerated Adults: Their Skills, Work Experience, Education, and TrainingBobby D. Rampey; Shelley Keiper; Leyla Mohadjer; Tom Krenzke; Jianzhu Li; Nina Thornton; Jacquie Hogan; Holly Xie; Stephen ProvasnikU.S. Department of Education;Institute of Education Science2016/11線上瀏覽圖書全文
14Postsecondary Education and Skills in Canada: Findings from the Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC)Postsecondary Education and Skills in Canada: Findings from the Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC)Council of Ministers of Education, Canada2016/11線上瀏覽圖書全文
15In Focus: PIAAC in CanadaIn Focus: PIAAC in CanadaCouncil of Ministers of Education, Canada2016/08線上瀏覽圖書全文
16Recommendation on Adult Learning and Education, 2015Recommendation on Adult Learning and Education, 2015United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization2016/06線上瀏覽圖書全文
17Education Commission of the 38th Session of the UNESCO General ConferenceEducation Commission of the 38th Session of the UNESCO General ConferenceCouncil of Ministers of Education, Canada2016/05線上瀏覽圖書全文
18Closing the gap: opportunities for distance education to benefit adult learners in higher educationClosing the gap: opportunities for distance education to benefit adult learners in higher educationA. Carlsen; C. Holmberg; C. Neghina; A. Owusu-BoampongUNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning2016/01線上瀏覽圖書全文
19Community-based lifelong learning and adult educationCommunity-based lifelong learning and adult educationVictorino-Soriano, CeciliaUNESCO Bangkok Office2016線上瀏覽圖書全文
20Community-based lifelong learning and adult educationCommunity-based lifelong learning and adult educationLee Romee; Kim JinheeUNESCO Bangkok Office2016線上瀏覽圖書全文






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