With the continuous impact brought by COVID-19, the educational field has witnessed the surge in distance learning. Although the majority of schools in many countries have resumed traditional classroom teaching/learning, most teachers are required to cultivate the readiness for teaching online. In the past three years, the schools at different levels in Taiwan have faced the challenges brought by the switch to distance learning. For Translation and Interpretation (T&I) courses, which typically are conducted face-to-face and put emphases on in-class practice and instant teacher feedback, the switch to online instruction brought challenges and much adjustment. This study, focusing on a synchronously-taught Sight Translation course, investigated how the students evaluated the aspects of course interaction and learning satisfaction. The findings have indicated that all three types of interaction were significantly correlated to students’ course satisfaction. The highest correlation of 0.851 was found between satisfaction and learner-content interaction. In addition, a correlation of 0.754 was found between satisfaction and learner-instructor interaction, followed by a correlation of 0.523 between satisfaction and learner-learner interaction. Such results have reinforced the importance of quality online instructional content with many details planned accordingly. Moreover, as a Sight Translation course places a high priority on students’ pair practices, the level of learner-learner interaction was perceived as high and positive, contributing to its significance in student satisfaction.
因著新冠疫情的持續衝擊,教育界面臨了遠距教學的快速發展。儘管許多國家的學校皆已恢復傳統實體教學,教師仍被要求須具備遠距教學知能。過去三年中,臺灣各級學校都面臨了遠距教學的挑戰。對口筆譯課程來說,一直以來多採用實體教學、強調課堂練習與教師即時回饋。因此,當轉到遠距上課模式時,自然面臨許多挑戰及調整。此研究以線上同步「視譯」課程為研究場域,檢視學生對於課程互動及學習滿意度的評量。研究結果顯示:在課程的三種互動與學生課程滿意度之間,均存在顯著關聯,其中最強關聯(0.851)在於「學習者—課程內容互動」和學生學習滿意度之間,凸顯了教材與使用難易對於學習的影響;此外,「學習者—授課教師互動」和學習滿意度的相互關聯為 0.754、「學習者—學習者互動」和學習滿意度的相互關聯為 0.523。從這些結果可以看出,線上教學內容的品質與課程設計的諸多細節間,關聯非常緊密。對於重視學習者互動、練習的「視譯」課程來說,在線上教學的環境中,學習者自評結果顯示他們認為這種互動非常重要,更對他們的課程學習滿意度有著重要影響。