


臺灣變遷趨勢對K-12課程的影響 期末研究報告

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臺灣變遷趨勢對K-12課程的影響 期末研究報告
計畫名稱臺灣變遷趨勢對K-12課程的影響 期末研究報告
英文摘要Facing the needs arising from the coming education reform in Taiwan’s national education, this project explores various aspects of trend changes, including political, economic, social, cultural and techno-scientific ones. It studies probable impacts of trend changes on curriculum revisions. It is a project relying on integration method and with characteristics of fundamental research. Its primary goal is first to propose a list of trend changes and issues we are facing or we will be facing, and then to explore and to provide suggestions for curriculum changes according to different needs of education years.
This project has employed four stages of research: (1) systematic review of literature, (2) in-depth interview of selected national elites and experts, (3) focus group meetings with invited discipline experts, (4) consultation meeting with educators and education scholars. Conclusions and suggestions were made after these four stages of research.
The project concludes that when considering trend changes, “globalization”, its impacts and multi-faced phenomenon, should be the primary reference framework for future curriculum revision. And each division project has also made its own evaluation and additional suggestions. Most of the education objectives suggested by this project, such as democracy, human rights and rule of law, environment and ecology conservation, respecting diversities, multicultural equality, have led us to support some of the main values of current education system. But when taking techno-scientific trend changes, and related risks, democracy and justice issues into consideration, current curriculum is expected to make significant adaptations for this purpose.
This project also suggests that planning for future national education curriculum requires macro visions that can go beyond micro or partial interests, and will adopt an approach that plans with the whole rather than only the parts. Also, the project supports many complaints against the over-loading tendencies existing in current curriculums for both the overall structure and some of specific courses. We suggest new curriculum should adopt a pro-integrating and melting method in teaching and in practice more than adding on new topics. This study also proposes support forpreparing teachers for education reform. Efforts for assisting both careered and young teachers to adjust should make prior to the implementation of curriculum reform.


    第一節 研究計畫之緣起與目1-2
    第二節 研究方法及研究步驟2-6
    第三節 分支計畫之研究過程7-12
    第四節 關於分支計畫之整合與說明12-17
    第五節 以「全球化」為核心議題之一18-41
    第六節 綜合摘要41-42
  第一章 臺灣政治變遷趨勢與課程前瞻45-97
    第一節 研究簡介45-46
    第二節 文獻系統評述46-62
    第三節 臺灣政治變遷趨勢分析62-69
    第四節 從臺灣政治變遷趨勢前瞻課程因應69-75
    第五節 結論與建議75-77
  第二章 臺灣經濟變遷趨勢與課程前瞻98-193
    第一節 研究簡介98-99
    第二節 文獻系統評述99-131
    第三節 臺灣經濟變遷趨勢分析131-139
    第四節 從臺灣經濟變遷趨勢前瞻課程因應140-151
    第五節 結論與建議152-154
  第三章 臺灣社會變遷趨勢與課程前瞻194-261
    第一節 研究簡介194-195
    第三節 臺灣社會變遷趨勢分析221-227
    第四節 從臺灣社會變遷趨勢前瞻課程因應227-233
    第五節 結論與建議233-238
  第四章 臺灣文化變遷趨勢與課程前瞻262-321
    第一節 研究簡介262-263
    第二節 文獻系統評述263-273
    第三節 臺灣文化變遷趨勢分析274-279
    第四節 從臺灣文化變遷趨勢前瞻課程因應280-296
    第五節 結論與建議296-300
  第五章 臺灣科技變遷趨勢與課程前瞻322-395
    第一節 研究簡介322-325
    第二節 文獻系統評述325-342
    第三節 臺灣科技變遷趨勢分析342-349
    第四節 從臺灣科技變遷趨勢前瞻課程因應350-359
    第五節 結論與建議359-363
  第六章 總結與建議396-429
    第一節 總結變遷趨勢396-397
    第二節 總結各學習階段的因應的必要性397-399
    第三節 對未來課程修訂的建議(啟示或影響)400-401
    第四節 未來研究建議401-402