


教育公平議題及特定政策取向之整合研究子計畫十:高齡者終身教育公平之研究 研究報告

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教育公平議題及特定政策取向之整合研究子計畫十:高齡者終身教育公平之研究 研究報告
計畫名稱教育公平議題及特定政策取向之整合研究子計畫十:高齡者終身教育公平之研究 研究報告
研究者研究助理: 李靜儀
關鍵詞(英)CIPP model;senior education in Taiwan;Seniors education Administration;the institution of senior education
英文摘要The aims of this study are : (1) to explore development of elder educational policy in Taiwan; (2) to analyze the recent situation of the practice of senior citizens' education and trends for development ;(3) to investigate the practical opinions of the relevant researchers on the senior citizens' education; (4) to analyze the different opinions of senior education workers; and (5) and to provide suggestions as a reference for teachers, schools, educational administration and future researchers related with elder education.
The research mainly relies on questionnaire surveys as well as the result of interview with research samples selected from elder learner, teachers, administers, volunteers and professional researchers in the field of elder education. To achieve these purposes, a questionnaire was developed to survey on 1383 questionnaire throughout Taiwan area, 1138 effective samples that were actually acquired. The data of questionnaires had been processed for statistical analysis under the "SPSS" statistics packaging software 18.0 for windows. The obtained data was analyzed by item analysis, factors analysis, frequency distribution, mean, standard deviation, percentage, t-test, one-way ANONA.
Based on the findings of this study, the following conclusions are drawn:
1. The indicators of CIPP model include four perspectives consisting of 15 main indicators and 45 sub-indicators. The real conditions among samples appear middle-low' level.
2. The government has to unify the sources of the budget, places, and facilities.
3. The course of the senior citizens' education should be combined with the learning needs of the senior citizens.
4. The teachers' selection of the senior citizens' education should be focused on their specific skills teaching elder people.
5. The government has to manage to improve the courses, teaching materials and teachers' qualifications of the senior citizens' education.
6. There should be an elastic standard of the pace of recruiting students and fees.
7. County and city governments need to evaluate the learning needs of the senior citizens reach an agreement and form a policy.
8. The government has to use every kind of ways to propagandize the idea of the equal opportunity for the senior citizens and common people to make use of the teaching resources of the schools.
9. The government must do its best to guide and evaluate the effects of implementation.
10. The government has to combine the local sources and the multi-media when we propagandize the activities.
According to the results of research, this study intends to offer suggestions respectively on the aspects of practical application and future research, such as for educational administrations and organizations for elder people and future researchers.


  第一章 緒論1-4
  第一章 緒論1-4
    第一節 研究緣起1
    第二節 研究目的與問題2
    第三節 名詞釋義2-3
    第四節 研究範圍與限制3-4
  第二章 文獻探討5-11
    第一節 終身教育的公平性分析6-9
    第二節 台灣高齡者終身教育公平之分析9-11
    第三節 台灣地區高齡者終身教育公平的現狀及問題11
  第三章 研究設計與實施12-27
    第一節 研究架構12-13
    第二節 研究假設13-14
    第三節 研究方法14-15
    第四節 研究對象15-19
    第五節 研究工具19-27
    第六節 研究程序27
    第七節 資料處理27
  第四章 研究結果與討論28-96
    第一節 高齡者終身教育公平性整體分析28-29
    第二節 高齡者終身教育公平指標差異分析29-68
    第三節 分區焦點團體座談綜合分析69-96
  第五章 結論與建議97-103
    第一節 結論97-101
    第二節 建議101-103
  附錄一 高齡者終身教育公平調查問卷內容效度初稿105-110
  附錄二 高齡者終身教育公平調查問卷(預試卷)111-114
  附錄三 高齡者終身教育公平調查問卷(正式卷)115-117
  附錄四 焦點團體座談大綱118-119
  附錄五 第一次焦點座談(南區)會議記錄120-140
  附錄六 北區焦點座談會議記錄141-171
  附錄七 第三次焦點座談(中區)會議記錄172-206