


教育公平理論與指標建構之整合研究子計畫三:國民中學教育公平指標之運用 研究報告

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教育公平理論與指標建構之整合研究子計畫三:國民中學教育公平指標之運用 研究報告
計畫名稱教育公平理論與指標建構之整合研究子計畫三:國民中學教育公平指標之運用 研究報告
研究者研究助理: 毛睿翎
關鍵詞(英)compulsory education;education equity;education indicator;junior high school
英文摘要This study aimed to use the educational equity indicators of junior high school constructed during the first year to explore the current status of implementation in junior high schools. Document analysis, questionnaire survey, Gini coefficient and Lorenz curve are used in this study. The preliminary findings are as follows:
(1)In terms of the distribution of students and schools, the five municipalities(Taipei, New Taipei, Taichung, Tainan and Kaohsiung) account for a major percentage, while the offshore islands, Matsu and Kinmen County, account for the least.
(2)The percentage of junior high school education's expenditure in the total educational expenditure and the educational expenditure per student show a declining tendency.
(3)In terms of the distribution of educational sources, the five municipalities still account for the largest percentage of hardware resources (sports or activity center, swimming pool, library book number). As for the software resources, the student-teacher ratio is the highest in Tainan City, Chiayi City, Changhua County and Pingtung County; the class size is the largest in the new Taipei City and Chiayi City; the ratio of teachers holding master's degrees is higher in Matsu, Taitung County and Taipei City. The distribution of educational sources of student in Junior High School. The Gini coefficient is between 0.113 and 0.194, It is a high degree of equalization.
(4) The enrollment and the related compensation measures (financial support, compensation programs, remedial education) for those students who are disabled, from poor or special situation families are not yet fully implemented.
(5)Most schools agree to make laws to regulate the responsibilities of different educational levels as well as against school bullying.
(6) Few schools are still unable to implement the policy of normal class grouping. Group learning, remedial teaching, compensation courses, multicultural curriculum, friendly campus can still.
(7)As for curriculum, teaching, assessment and teacher-student relationship, few schools are still unable to improve the quality of teacher-student interaction, to implement multiple assessments and course material design, and to offer counseling for students regarding adaptive development and career planning.


  第一章 緒論1-4
    第一節 計劃緣起與目的1-4
  第二章 文獻探討5-8
    第一節 教育指標的建構與運用5-6
    第二節 教育公平的議題6
    第三節 教育公平的實踐6
    第四節 教育公平相關研究7-8
  第三章 研究設計與實施8-9
    第二節 教育公平性之檢定9
  第四章 結果與討論10-29
    第一節 背景層面調查分析10-21
    第二節 輸入層面調查分析21-23
    第三節 過程層面調查分析23-28
  第五章 結論與建議30-32
    第一節 結論30-31
    第二節 建議31-32