



  • 點閱次數:1213
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研究者研究助理: 劉新圓
關鍵詞(英)educational values;core values;value conflict;sustainable development
英文摘要Values are the principles of ideal, beliefs, and behaviors and work as guidance for the sustainable development of nations, societies and individuals. Based on the values educational policies are formed and evaluated. The values prioritized will present their realization in every aspect of an education system. Thus, it is important for the governments to find and build up consensus about what are their core values. The purpose of the study is to theoretically frame out the education value priority in Taiwan for the future, focusing both on how education plays as a part of the government system, and on the capabilities or the nature that the educators would like to build up in students, . First, through international and domestic literature review, including the education policy papers in the past two decades, 12 values are induced out as the hypothesized values of importance. Educators and administrators, sampled purposively, are surveyed about their priority of the 12 values and could also fill out other values. 1450 questionnaires are sent out and 916 are returned. The effective response rate is 63.17%. The results of the survey are that the top three values are healthy, self-realization and humanities and the character education is also prioritized.
Secondly, in a multi-values and democratic society, values conflict is unavoidable. Conflict solving and consensus building are urgent missions. With literature review and focus groups conferencing, the data collected and qualitatively analyzed. The findings point out that, first, governments should play well roles of values clarification and aggregation and promote consensus building with better skills of communication and negotiation. Then, in order to realize the former, governments also need to provide a stage for open and rational discourses. After multi-voices are listened and tolerated, a more comprehensive policy will be formed and the needs will be met.
Finally, in order to promote a stage of values consensus, three steps are suggested for the very beginning stage.
1. Before educational policy being formed, the core values better be established and consensus be built up.
2. Value choice is one of the abilities of leadership, which includes self-reflection, analysis, and being critical.
3. A value research data is very needed for scientifically and long-term studies. Governments could form an 'Educational Policy Core Values Forums', composed of people from academy, politician, businessmen, and culture community, for a systematically rational arguments and consensus building.


  第一章 緒論1-13
    第一節 研究背景與動機1-7
    第二節 研究目的與問題7-8
    第三節 研究方法與步驟8-10
    第四節 重要名詞釋義10-13
    第五節 研究範圍與限制13
  第二章 文獻探討15-71
    第一節 價值的本質、意義與內涵15-26
    第二節 中國文化與教育中的核心價值26-32
    第三節 各國教育的核心價值分析32-50
    第四節 我國近一、二十年來教育政策彰顯的核心價值50-62
    第五節 教育價值衝突與解決62-71
  第三章 研究設計與實施73-82
    第一節 研究架構與進度73-74
    第二節 研究對象74
    第三節 研究工具74-77
    第四節 實施程序77-82
  第四章 研究結果分析與討論83-104
    第一節 研究樣本資料分析83-85
    第二節 整體樣本認為最重要的五個教育核心價值排序86-88
    第三節 各變項對教育核心價值排序的看法89-99
    第四節 開放性問題調查結果與分析99-102
    第五節 焦點團體的討論與分析102-104
  第五章 研究討論與建議105-116
    第一節 結論105-115
    第二節 建議115-116
  附錄一 調查問卷125-127
  附錄二 各變項對教育核弖價值排序的看法129-160
  附錄三 問卷開放式問題填答統計161-171
  附錄四 第一場焦點座談討論題綱173-176
  附錄五 第一場焦點座談會議紀錄177-188
  附錄六 第二場焦點座談題綱189-192
  附錄七 第二場焦點座談會議紀錄193-200
  附錄八 第三場焦點座談題綱201-203
  附錄九 第三場焦點座談會議紀錄205-212
  附錄十 工作會議紀錄213-219
  附錄十一 教育部期中審查意見修正情形對照表221-225
  附錄十二 教育部期末審查意見修正情形對照表227-229