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  數位科技快速發展下,正影響著眾多國家如美國、日本、韓國,甚至香港地區紛紛 加入數位教科書發展的行列,並將之列為國家重要的教育政策。我國長期以來,仰賴紙 本教科書作為教師教學與學生學習最重要的資源工具,亦須面對數位教科書的發展而有 根本性的變革。本研究係整合型研究計畫之總計畫,除透過相關文件資料,就國內外數 位教科書發展議題進行探究外;其間亦輔以教科書出版業者經驗分享、訪談及產官學研 的焦點團體座談。經分析整理後,本研究提出研究結論如下:(一)在政策面向:政府 數位教科書發展政策,主動性不足,缺乏整體的計畫與配套;數位教科書無法完全取代 紙本教科書,併行或作為輔助教材是未來發展的可能趨勢;如政策上採行併行,數位教 科書亦應納入審查機制;因應數位教科書發展,不論軟硬體之規格標準、著作權管理、 價格機制亦應妥善解決;數位教科書發展政策應避免淪為科技壟斷的結果。(二)在文 化政治面向:缺乏數位教科書的具體發展時程;國內數位教育發展政策,明顯受到科技 產業的引導;數位教科書發展必須產業界、政府的合作,才有可能在校園推廣;數位學 習的成效,仍需要進一步的實徵研究作為評估。(三)在教學應用面向:在數位科技環 境下,教師角色必須調整,教師要能評估學科內容、教學方法與科技運用,才能導致有 效的科技融入教學;中小學各學科領域是否適合全面推動數位教科書,宜再作評估。另 就數位教科書發展,亦建議如下:(一)政府宜訂定數位教科書發展計畫及時程,並優 先推動教師培訓及校園網路基礎建設;(二)政府宜修改相關法制,審定辦法納入數位 教科書、修正著作權法數位版權管理及公開傳輸相關規定、數位教科書軟硬體規格及檔 案送存格式宜妥善研議;(三)數位教科書之使用對學生身心發展之追蹤、數位教科書 研發及實驗教學,應持續進行實徵性之研究。


  The rapid development of digital technology is influencing many countries, such as the U.S., Japan, Korea, and Hong Kong, to start developing digital textbooks and to regard it as an important national policy. Our country, which has long relied on paper textbooks as the most important teaching and learning resource, has to face the development of digital textbooks. This study is the general project of an integrated research. It investigates domestic and international digital textbook development issues in relevant documents, interviews the textbook publishing industry, and focus group discussions among the government, industries, universities, and research institutions. This study brings out the following conclusions: (1) In the aspect of policy: The government has not developed digital textbook policy actively enough, for it lacks overall plans and supporting. Digital textbooks cannot fully replace paper textbooks, so a possible trend for future development is using them at the same time or as an alternative teaching material. If paralleling is adopted, digital textbooks should be included in the review mechanism. Hardware and software standards, copyright management, and price mechanism should be properly dealt with. The digital textbook development policy should be prevented from becoming the results of technology monopoly. (2) In the aspect of cultural politics: There is no specific developing schedule for digital textbooks. Our digital education development policy is apparently led by technology industry. It requires the cooperation of industries and the government to promote digital textbooks. It needs further empirical research to evaluate the effect of digital learning. (3) In the aspect of teaching practice: The role of teachers needs to be adjusted. Teachers should be able to evaluate subject content, teaching methods, and technology applications to merge effective technologies into teaching. It should also be assessed whether digital textbooks are suitable for promotion in every subject field of primary and secondary schools. As for digital textbook development, the suggestions are as follows: (1) The government should make digital textbook development plans and schedules and firstly promotes teacher training and basic constructions of school Internet. (2) The government should modify relevant laws. How to make regulations of reviewing and approving digital textbooks, amend digital copyright administration in copyright laws, rules of public transmission, standards of digital textbook software and hardware, and formats of data sending collection, should be properly studied. (3) Empirical research should continuously proceed for tracking how the use of digital textbooks affects the physical and mental development of students, the research and development and experimental teaching of digital textbooks.