近十餘年來,多元文化與跨文化教育議題在臺灣日受重視,多元文化教育之所以受重視,除了對原住民的關注外,快速成長的新住民子女也是原因之一。歐盟推行跨文化教育始於1970年代,相關發展主要受到移民及經濟發展需求影響。近年來面對移民的衝擊尤甚於臺灣,此對於其社會的融合及歐洲與國家公民認同造成衝擊。因此,本文以文件分析方式,了解歐盟發展跨文化教育的社會脈絡;全球化對於歐盟國家的衝擊;歐盟脈絡下跨/ 多元文化教育模式的轉變,以及歐盟層級跨文化相關政策與成效,以作為我國相關政策的參考。研究結果顯示,歐盟跨文化教育發展的動力為政治與經濟的雙重因素;其跨文化教育內涵以外語學習為核心,並涵蓋移民子女教育與公民教育;以及外語教育強調移民者母語以及經濟優勢語言的雙重考量。最後本文提出我國應記取歐洲實施多元文化主義政策的失敗經驗,及對國際教育、新住民子女教育和外語教育實施統籌規劃,也強調職前與在職師培課程重視所有教師跨文化素養的培養,將學校教育功能延伸到協助新住民子女在母國和移民國間的適應等。Abstract: The issue of multicultural and intercultural education has gained everincreasing attention in Taiwan in the past few decades.In Europe, the development of cross-cultural education can be traced back to as early as the 1970s. Through document analysis, this paper reviews the impacts of globalization, the changing modes of multicultural/intercultural education and the related EU policies. The findings show: 1. the driving force of intercultural education policies is based on political and economic factors; 2. the core element of intercultural education is foreign language learning; 3. the EU language policies regard both the mother languages and the economically advantageous language as equally important. Based on the findings, some suggestions are made: 1. lessons can be learned from the failures of some the multicultural education policies in Europe; 2. comprehensive planning is necessary; 3. multilingualism should be seriously considered; 4. the current foreign language teacher training system should be reformed; 5. the intercultural competency should be regarded as an important element in teacher training; 6. the function of schooling should include the support for immigrant children in their continuous adjustment between cultures.