本文以兩位師資培育者的視角,回顧2007年至2015年間帶領師資生前往海外進行實地學習的經驗,並以故事方式來呈現跨界學習的成果。回顧的範圍包含泰國華文學校(2007、2008)、英國公立學校(2008)、澳洲公立學校(2010)、尼泊爾慈善學校(2012)、紐西蘭公立學校(2014)和菲律賓私立學校(2015)等6個國家的實地學習梯隊經驗。這些實習的機構可分成3大類,是:體制內的公立學校(英、澳、紐)、資源窘困的私營慈善學校(尼泊爾、泰國)以及該國體制內的私立學校(菲律賓)。師生海外梯隊共學的經驗將故事可分為4類:在M的故事中體驗與反思、教育愛的激盪、魚發現水,以及去刻板印象。從上述故事,兩位師培者確實看見師資生在海外實務中的成長及師培者自身的增能。這個「看見」要勾勒的是海外實地學習固然昂貴,但收穫確實是豐碩。此外,在共學及臺灣團隊與海外學校的相互切磋中,深刻體會宜進一步解構施與受的區分;另在策略面建議,師培者可以前往經濟條件有較大成長空間的國度。Abstract: From the perspective of teacher educators, the authors reviewed their experiences of leading student teacher delegations to foreign countries to conduct overseas practical learning and presented their stories of border crossing learning. Overseas practical learning includes overseas practicum and overseas service-learning. The scope includes their practical learning in Thailand Chinese school (2007, 2008), UK public school (2008), Australia public school (2010), Nepal charity school (2012), New Zealand public school (2014) and Philippines private school (2015). Four types of stories represented their learning: self reflection upon the M story, the surge of education love, fish finding the existence of water and stereotype expelling. The authors witness student teachers' professional growth out of the overseas challenges and encounters. The advancement of teacher educator is without doubt. The distinction between the giver and the receiver gets eliminated during the process of border crossing practical learning. In addition, strategy was suggested based on two authors' previous experiences .