本文以教育部《2015 教育統計指標之國際比較》為基礎,擷取OECD Education at a Glance 2014、OECD.Stat Database、UNESCO Institute for Statistics 與教育部統計資料庫相關之統計數據,採文獻分析與比較研究方法,進行教育機會均等性別議題之分析,以了解目前OECD 與我國統計指標上對於性別教育機會均等之差異表現。研究發現如下:1. 臺灣與OECD主要國家淨在學率之性別分析,學前教育以男性較高,初等教育則各國差異情形分歧,中等教育以女性較高、高等教育亦以女性較高。2. 臺灣與OECD主要國家之淨在學率,女性在越高教育階段比率越高。3. 國中以前各國女性教師比例明顯高於男性教師,高等教育階段,男性教師比例明顯高於女性,符合相關研究之學校教師性別刻板印象與男性主導學術研究的情況。4.15 歲以上國民識字率之性別分析,男性高於女性,且以東南亞國家較為明顯。This paper explores the issue of gender and educational opportunities based on statistic indicators found in documents and databases, including MOE 2015 International Comparison of Education Statistical Indicators, OECD 2014 Education at a Glance, OECD.Statistical database, UNESCO Institute for Statistics, and the MOE Educational Statistics database. The findings include the following. 1. Gender analysis in Taiwan and other OECD countries shows that male students outnumber girls in preschool period, but girl students outnumber boys on the levels of secondary and higher education. 2. In terms of school enrollments in Taiwan and major OECD countries, a significant higher enrollment rate is usually found with female students than that of males. 3. female teachers outnumber male teachers in secondary and primary schools, while the situation is just contrary on higher education level. 4. In terms of literacy analysis, male citizens above 15 generally have higher literacy rate than their female counterparts, particularly in Southeast Asian countries.