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1Quality Education for AllQuality Education for AllCouncil of Ministers of Education, Canada2018/05線上瀏覽圖書全文
2PCAP 2016PCAP 2016Kathryn O' Grady; Karen Fung; Laura Servage; Gulam KhanCouncil of Ministers of Education, Canada2018/04線上瀏覽圖書全文
3Technical Report and User Guide for the 2015 Program for International Student Assessment (PISA)Technical Report and User Guide for the 2015 Program for International Student Assessment (PISA)David Kastberg; Nita Lemanski; Gordon Murray; Erin Niemi; Shep RoeyU.S. Department of Education;Institute of Education Science2017/12線上瀏覽圖書全文
4The wellbeing of secondary school pupils with special educational needsThe wellbeing of secondary school pupils with special educational needsMatt Barnes; Eric HarrisonDepartment for education, UK2017/07線上瀏覽圖書全文
5CMEC Reference Framework for Successful Student TransitionsCMEC Reference Framework for Successful Student TransitionsCouncil of Ministers of Education, Canada2017/07線上瀏覽圖書全文
6Measuring up: Canadian Results of the OECD PISA 2015 StudyMeasuring up: Canadian Results of the OECD PISA 2015 StudyRebecca Kong; Kathryn O'Grady; Tanya Scerbina; Marie-Anne Deussing; Bruno Levesque; Steve Trites; Gulam KhanCouncil of Ministers of Education, Canada2017/06線上瀏覽圖書全文
7TIMSS 2015 Canadian Results from the Trends in InternationalMathematics and Science StudyTIMSS 2015 Canadian Results from the Trends in InternationalMathematics and Science StudyPierre Brochu; Kathryn O'Grady; Tanya Scerbina; Gulam Khan; Nadia MuheCouncil of Ministers of Education, Canada2017/05線上瀏覽圖書全文
8Youth and changing realities: Rethinking secondary education in Latin AmericaYouth and changing realities: Rethinking secondary education in Latin AmericaLópez, Néstor; Opertti, Renato; Vargas Tamez, CarlosUnited Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization2017/01線上瀏覽圖書全文
9Career guidance and counselling: the bridge from secondary school to tertiary educationCareer guidance and counselling: the bridge from secondary school to tertiary educationUnited Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization2017/01線上瀏覽圖書全文
10Measuring up: Canadian Results of the OECD PISA StudyMeasuring up: Canadian Results of the OECD PISA StudyKathryn O' Grady; Marie-Anne Deussing; Tanya Scerbina; Karen Fung; Nadia MuheCouncil of Ministers of Education, Canada2016/12線上瀏覽圖書全文
11德國當前中等教育階段國際交流政策之分析:以語言外交政策之觀點為分析視角教育研究與發展期刊余曉雯; 洪雯柔國家教育研究院2016/09線上瀏覽期刊論文
13Status and Trends in the Education of Racial and Ethnic Groups 2016Status and Trends in the Education of Racial and Ethnic Groups 2016Lauren Musu-Gillette; Jennifer Robinson; Joel McFarland; Angelina KewalRamani; Anlan Zhang; Sidney Wilkinson-FlickerU.S. Department of Education;Institute of Education Sciences2016/08線上瀏覽圖書全文
14H. C. Dent的民主教育理念及其對英國教育改革之貢獻 ( 1940-1944 )教育學刊顧曉雲國立高雄師範大學教育學系2016/06限制院內IP期刊論文
15Teachers' Professional Learning and Growth: Creating the Conditions to Achieve Quality Teaching for Excellent Learning OutcomesTeachers' Professional Learning and Growth: Creating the Conditions to Achieve Quality Teaching for Excellent Learning OutcomesCouncil of Ministers of Education, Canada2016/06線上瀏覽圖書全文
16Projections of Education Statistics to 2023Projections of Education Statistics to 2023William J Hussar; Tabitha M. BaileyU.S. Department of Education;Institute of Education Sciences2016/04線上瀏覽圖書全文
17Revenues and Expenditures for Public Elementary and Secondary Education: School Year 2012-13 (Fiscal Year 2013) (NCES 2015-301)Revenues and Expenditures for Public Elementary and Secondary Education: School Year 2012-13 (Fiscal Year 2013) (NCES 2015-301)Stephen Q. CornmanU.S. Department of Education;Institute of Education Sciences2016/01線上瀏覽圖書全文
18PCAP 2013 Technical ReportPCAP 2013 Technical ReportKathryn O' Grady; Koffi HoumeCouncil of Ministers of Education, Canada2015/12線上瀏覽圖書全文
19PCAP 2013 Contextual Report on Student Achievement in SciencePCAP 2013 Contextual Report on Student Achievement in ScienceKathryn O' Grady; Koffi HoumeCouncil of Ministers of Education, Canada2015/12線上瀏覽圖書全文
20Implementing Highly Effective Teacher Policy and PracticeImplementing Highly Effective Teacher Policy and PracticeCouncil of Ministers of Education, Canada2015/08線上瀏覽圖書全文






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