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1Quality Education for AllQuality Education for AllCouncil of Ministers of Education, Canada2018/05線上瀏覽圖書全文
2PCAP 2016PCAP 2016Kathryn O' Grady; Karen Fung; Laura Servage; Gulam KhanCouncil of Ministers of Education, Canada2018/04線上瀏覽圖書全文
3CMEC Reference Framework for Successful Student TransitionsCMEC Reference Framework for Successful Student TransitionsCouncil of Ministers of Education, Canada2017/07線上瀏覽圖書全文
4Measuring up: Canadian Results of the OECD PISA 2015 StudyMeasuring up: Canadian Results of the OECD PISA 2015 StudyRebecca Kong; Kathryn O'Grady; Tanya Scerbina; Marie-Anne Deussing; Bruno Levesque; Steve Trites; Gulam KhanCouncil of Ministers of Education, Canada2017/06線上瀏覽圖書全文
5TIMSS 2015 Canadian Results from the Trends in InternationalMathematics and Science StudyTIMSS 2015 Canadian Results from the Trends in InternationalMathematics and Science StudyPierre Brochu; Kathryn O'Grady; Tanya Scerbina; Gulam Khan; Nadia MuheCouncil of Ministers of Education, Canada2017/05線上瀏覽圖書全文
6Measuring up: Canadian Results of the OECD PISA StudyMeasuring up: Canadian Results of the OECD PISA StudyKathryn O' Grady; Marie-Anne Deussing; Tanya Scerbina; Karen Fung; Nadia MuheCouncil of Ministers of Education, Canada2016/12線上瀏覽圖書全文
7Teachers' Professional Learning and Growth: Creating the Conditions to Achieve Quality Teaching for Excellent Learning OutcomesTeachers' Professional Learning and Growth: Creating the Conditions to Achieve Quality Teaching for Excellent Learning OutcomesCouncil of Ministers of Education, Canada2016/06線上瀏覽圖書全文
8Projections of Education Statistics to 2023Projections of Education Statistics to 2023William J Hussar; Tabitha M. BaileyU.S. Department of Education;Institute of Education Sciences2016/04線上瀏覽圖書全文
9PCAP 2013 Contextual Report on Student Achievement in SciencePCAP 2013 Contextual Report on Student Achievement in ScienceKathryn O' Grady; Koffi HoumeCouncil of Ministers of Education, Canada2015/12線上瀏覽圖書全文
10PCAP 2013 Technical ReportPCAP 2013 Technical ReportKathryn O' Grady; Koffi HoumeCouncil of Ministers of Education, Canada2015/12線上瀏覽圖書全文
11Education World Forum "Planning for 2015 — Policy-making catalyst for a decade ahead: measurement, reach and enterprise"Education World Forum "Planning for 2015 — Policy-making catalyst for a decade ahead: measurement, reach and enterprise"Council of Ministers of Education, Canada2015/08線上瀏覽圖書全文
12Implementing Highly Effective Teacher Policy and PracticeImplementing Highly Effective Teacher Policy and PracticeCouncil of Ministers of Education, Canada2015/08線上瀏覽圖書全文
13Projections of Education Statistics to 2022Projections of Education Statistics to 2022William J Hussar;Tabitha M. BaileyU.S. Department of Education;Institute of Education Sciences201402線上瀏覽圖書全文
14Projections of Education Statistics to 2022Projections of Education Statistics to 2022William J Hussar;Tabitha M. BaileyU.S. Department of Education;Institute of Education Sciences201402線上瀏覽圖書全文
16PCAP-13 2007: Jurisdictional Profiles and Achievement EquityPCAP-13 2007: Jurisdictional Profiles and Achievement EquityRobert Crocker;Victor GlickmanCouncil of Ministers of Education, Canada2013/06線上瀏覽圖書全文
17PIRLS 2011——Canada in Context: Canadian Results from the Progress in International Reading Literacy StudyPIRLS 2011——Canada in Context: Canadian Results from the Progress in International Reading Literacy StudyMélanie Labrecque;Maria Chuy;Pierre Brochu;Koffi HoumeCouncil of Ministers of Education, Canada2012/12線上瀏覽圖書全文
18PCAP-13 2007: Report on Reading Strategies and Reading AchievementPCAP-13 2007: Report on Reading Strategies and Reading AchievementVictor Glickman;John AndersonCouncil of Ministers of Education, Canada2012/12線上瀏覽圖書全文
19PCAP 2010: Contextual Report on Student Achievement in MathematicsPCAP 2010: Contextual Report on Student Achievement in MathematicsCouncil of Ministers of Education, Canada2012/11線上瀏覽圖書全文
20PCAP-13 2007: Factors Contributing to Performance in Mathematics and SciencePCAP-13 2007: Factors Contributing to Performance in Mathematics and ScienceCouncil of Ministers of Education, Canada2012/05線上瀏覽圖書全文






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