English plays an essential role as a lingua franca in an increasingly interconnected world. To acclimate to the diversity of English accents, English Language Teaching (ELT) must enable learners to adapt to cultures and accents beyond Standard American English. A total of 88 Applied English major students participated in this study where they were exposed to five English accents: Standard American English, English Received Pronunciation, Singaporean English, Taiwanese English, and Japanese English. The students interacted with speakers from Kachru’s three circles of English to gain cultural insights associated with these accents. Questionnaires were utilized to assess students’ perceptions of each accent in terms of correctness, acceptability, pleasantness, and familiarity before and after exposure and/or instructional interventions. Results from the 45 students in the exposure group showed no significant changes in attitude, leading to an additional 43 participants receiving explicit instruction. The findings revealed that these 43 students demonstrated significant improvements in their ratings of non-native English varieties across correctness, acceptability, pleasantness, and familiarity. Qualitative data in he 43 reflective journals further revealed enhanced awareness of English pluricentricity and an ideological shift from the sole dependency on American English. This shift also included greater tolerance and respect for non-native English accents as well as improved confidence of speaking English. The study offers clear implications for Taiwanese ELT, suggesting a more pragmatic trajectory through the implementation of a Global Englishes-oriented approach.
在這日益互聯的現代社會中,作為通用語言的英語扮演著重要的角色。為了因應英語中產生的不同口音,英語語言教學(ELT)必須幫助學習者適應標準美式美語以外的文化和腔調。共有 88 名應用英語系的學生參與本研究,他們接觸了美式美語、英式英語、新加坡英語、臺灣英語和日式英語之五種英語口音,並與來自卡克魯三個圈子(Kachru’s three circles)的講者互動。目的是使學生接觸到口音及其背後的文化。本研究採取問卷評估接觸和/或教學介入前、後對每種口音在正確性、接受性、愉悅性和熟悉性的程度。接觸組中 45 名學生問卷填答的結果顯示其態度並沒有顯著變化,進而促使另外 43 名參與者接受明確指導。結果顯示,這 43 名參與者對非英語為母語的口音在正確性、接受性、愉悅性和熟悉性的評分均有顯著提高。反思日記的質性資料更顯示他們增進了對英語多樣性的認識,且他們的依賴美式美語的意識形態也產生了態度上的變化,進而對非母語口音更加寬容和尊重;也增強了英語口說的信心。本研究以實行全球性英語之面向為臺灣英語教學提供了務實的觀點。