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  進用編制外教師於各級學校實務運作確有其必要性,然由於在肩負國家育才任務的 學校中,教師不啻為最具關鍵地位之角色,故建置合理的勞動條件以保障其應有權益, 不僅能吸引優秀人才投入教職,亦可促進學校正常運作並提升教學品質。惟就現況而 言,學校編制外教師雖適用勞動三法且於社會保險面向亦屬差強人意,但長期處於不適 用《教師法》、亦無法適用《勞動基準法》的不合理狀態下,不但使其勞動權益無法獲 得妥適保障,對於教育長遠發展與學生受教育權,亦勢將發生不良影響。據此,本研究 除文獻探討與法令分析外,在研究方法上亦同時採取質性取向的專家焦點訪談與座談, 以期兼納教育、法律學術領域與各級學校教師及其相關利益團體之各方多元觀點,並進 而瞭解學校編制外教師之種類、進用依據、主要工作內容及其勞動權益保障規範內涵, 並將分析將學校編制外教師納入《勞動基準法》適用對象所可能存在之問題,綜整提出 及早因應之策略。經前揭研究過程後,本研究提出結論與建議如下:


(一)依據相關法令規範,目前學校編制外教師之主要工作內容,應係以補充編制內 人力之不足。

(二)現行法令對於學校編制外教師之勞動權益保障尚有不足,尤以個別勞動權益面 向為甚。

(三)將學校編制外教師納入勞基法適用對象,其最主要之問題爭點應在於「勞動契 約」及「工作時間、休息、休假」等兩個面向。







  It is inevitable to employ adjunct faculty in schools of different levels. However, since teachers play a crucial role in educating the younger generation, it is necessary to establish reasonable working conditions not only to attract excellent intellectuals, but also to promote the regular operations of schools and quality of teaching. As far as the current situation is concerned, Labor Union Act, Collective Agreement Act, Act for Settlement of Labor-Management Disputes apply to adjunct faculty, and social security is acceptable. Yet, when Teacher’s Act and Labor Standards Act do not apply to them in the long term, their labor rights cannot be protected appropriately, which in turns, may have a negative impact on both the long-term development of education and students’ education rights. Therefore, this study will conduct a legal analysis of current laws in education and labor to understand the categories of adjunct faculty in schools, how they are employed, their main duties and how their labor rights are protected in laws. It will also analyze the potential problems for schools to incorporate adjunct faculty in Labor Standards Act and provide further suggestions to cope with the problems. The conclusions and suggestions of this study are as follows:

Ⅰ. Conclusions

1. According to related legal regulations, the main duty of adjuct faculty in schools should be a supplement of the lack of manpower.

2. Current legal regulations are not quite sufficient in terms of protecting the labor rights of adjunt faculty in schools, especially the individual labor rights.

3. The most controversial issues of applying Labor Standards Act to adjunct faculty in schools are labor contracts and working hours, recess and holidays.

Ⅱ. Suggestions

1. Schools should examine for what reasons adjunct faculty are hired.

2. It is necessary to modify regulations of leave-taking for adjunt faculty in schools to abide by.

3. The Ministry of Education should request related institutions to examine the possibilities of setting up regulations for those who work limited hours.

4. Labor Standards Acts should apply to adjunct faculty having a contract of hire of services.