Intentional ICT: Curriculum, education and development
圖書全文 | |
主要題名 | Intentional ICT: Curriculum, education and development |
書名 | Intentional ICT: Curriculum, education and development |
作者 | Lubin, Ian A. |
出版/發行者 | UNESCO International Bureau of Education |
出版年月 | 2016/03 |
出版地 | Geneva |
關鍵字詞 | curriculum development;curriculum research;information technology |
語文 | 英文 |
授權狀態 | 已授權 |
標題 | 頁數 |
- Sharing Malaysian experience in participation of girls in STEM education
- A Model for obtaining ICT indicators in education
- Education for Sustainable Development Goals: Learning objectives
- Review of Curricula and Curricular Frameworks
- International technical guidance on sexuality education: An evidence-informed approach