Ensuring Equal Access To High-Quality Education
圖書全文 | |
主要題名 | Ensuring Equal Access To High-Quality Education |
書名 | Ensuring Equal Access To High-Quality Education |
出版/發行者 | U.S. Department of Education;Institute of Education Sciences |
出版年月 | 2011/01 |
關鍵字詞 | High-Quality Education;civil rights;Equal Access |
語文 | 英文 |
授權狀態 | 已授權 |
標題 | 頁數 |
- 數位落差問題的社會意義
- Helping to Ensure Equal Access to Education: Report to the President and Secretary of Education
- Helping to Ensure Equal Access to Education: Report to the President and Secretary of Education
- United States Department of Education 37th Annual Report to Congress on the Implementation of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, 2015
- United States Department of Education 36th Annual Report to Congress on the Implementation of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, 2014